Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Blog Will Live On

Hello friends!

Just checking in.  I know it's been a while.  I wanted to let you know (if there's anyone out there still following and/or reading) that I have not forgotten about this blog.  I love sharing recipes and will eventually get back at it.  

I've been a little tied up with a million things including, but not limited to: moving, setting up a new apartment, running a million errands to buy things like ironing boards and toasters and bath mats, starting a new job, and trying to figure out a new city and country.

Also, cooking here has been more of a challenge than I expected.  Finding ingredients can be tricky.  Finding the grocery stores can be even trickier.  Sometimes it takes several stores to find everything needed for any given recipe.  I didn't really think all of this through beforehand.  I think I took for granted how easy it was to get what I needed in the states.

The good news is that I've been here over a month and my life is starting to feel a little more manageable.  And, I'm thinking about what recipes I would like to share next!  

In the meantime, I thought you might enjoy some funny food quirks I've found here:
  • The powdered sugar, or "icing sugar" as they call it, sucks.  It's really gritty and a little weird.  I'm going to have to work on finding a solution because I love frosting too much to let it go for two years. 
  • You can't buy pork products unless you have a permit and go to a special store where they only sell pork and alcohol.  I'm hoping to go soon because living without bacon and salami just isn't going to work for me.  
  • Food items are sometimes in really strange places in the grocery stores.  Someone warned me about this and told me to always check other possible places.  I finally found cocoa powder in the coffee aisle, near the hot chocolate and butter and shredded coconut in the freezer section.  Go figure. 
  • No Kosher salt anywhere to be found.  Sad.  I love that stuff.  
  • You cannot buy vanilla extract because it contains alcohol.  Luckily I knew about this one and came prepared.  
I have successfully made the following oldie-but-goody recipes from this blog:  Chinese orange beef, tater tot breakfast casserole, Nanaimo bars, and lemon fusilli.  Go me.
So, stay tuned.  I'm hoping it won't be long until I am up and running again.  Cooking keeps me sane and makes me happy so I'm going to make time to do more of it in the very near future.  See you soon!